Redpoint's Hot Link Page
On the left side of this page you can see a part of wonderfull fineart made by my friend Arend Nijdam who lives in the Netherlands.
Arend Nijdam is specialist in creating fractals and had the attentions from international magazines who wrote about his wonderfull art.
Arend Nijdam is also a specialist in creating Bryce Art wich you will find on his Url.
It's a site worth to surf to, thats for sure......go to the fantastic world of the Eaglesnest right now.
Here you see something strange, you might ask yourself what does a flightsite in a graphic envirement?
Wel there are two reasons, the main reason is thats is a very very good site for people who love flightsimulators sharing it with other people.
The second reason is that all the graphics you find on that site are made by Redpoint.
So we have decided to link to eachother giving you the possibility to find two topsites with different interests.
Curious, than surf to the url and find out more and see some graphics you want find on this site for sure.
Charlene's Bryce Page
Charlene Russ,

I got in contact with her after she signed my guestbook.
She already has a very nice and clean site with some of her own art, links and materials, realy worth a visit.
She also has her own Egroup where you can find other Bryce fans........visit her site please and sign her guestbook.
A new but very nice site too visit (look at the fine menu at the startpage too)
Wonderfull Bryce 3D art and many more worth a visit from you.
If you visit his site, dont forget to bookmark his URL, you will
be suprised with his wonderfull graphics in the near future.
This site has nothing to do with graphic stuff but it's realy worth to place this link on my Hotlinkpage.
It's the Best place to find cheats, walktroughs etc. for your games on PC or Playstation in wich you got stocked.

They only thing you have to do is search for the game (this site updates almost every day) click on it, send your email with your request and if you like a Englisch or Dutch version of a walktrough and it will be send to you the same day.

A real good service wich does what it's promising.

And if you visit this site please don't forget to spread the word, there's no such other URL that works so good for people who need help with their games.
Suprise yourself with the wonderfull art of Michele.
It's realy a great site full of digital art made with Bryce and other programs.
Ones you get on her site, you can't have to see it all.........she's a real artist with a golden hart.
Fractal by Arend Nijdam from the Netherlands
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Go for fine art to Arend Nijdam's Eaglesnest
One firstclass flight to Dutch Virtual Airlines
Go Charlene Russ Bryce Page
the highway to Dave Orchid's graphic site
The way to perfection