Visitors of this page,
This site might be a bit skinny but i hope you don't let me down for that.
Those who made a homepage for themselfs know that it's to hard make a good layout wich is acceptable.
I think that after many tryout's that this one will do, knowing that it's not perfect. (but who is?)
Let me introduce myself    
My name is Ruud, i'am 44 years old and very enthousiastic about the possibility's of the sevaral software possibility's in
combination with using a computer.
I have a fantastic wife and son (he's 10 and working with Photoshop too)
Actualy i'am married with my wife but some friends told me that i cheat on her because of my marriage with my Pentium 500.
This pages,
I will try to make it like a userfriendly homepage and refresh it as soon as i find time to do so.
You will find different pictures on my site made with the most populair 3D programs like Bryce 4, Poser and 3D Max and ofcourse with help of my favorite program Photoshop because of it's big range of plugins wich are available.
You will also find a page wich a review of a graphictool wich i have in my collection and installed to work with, maybe it will stimulate you to use it to for your graphic works.
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